Residential Locksmith

Your Top Residential Locksmith in San Antonio, TX

At Guaranty Lock & Safe, we understand that your home is your haven. That's why our family-owned and operated team provides top-notch residential locksmith services to ensure your family and belongings are always secure. From rekeying and repairing your locks to installing residential safes and much more, our team has served the San Antonio community since 2001. With an in-person store allowing you to browse our selection of residential products, let our team be your trusted solution to keep your home safe all year. Call (210) 494-5500 to schedule an appointment and secure your home today.

Residential Locksmith Services

House keys made. Many designs and colors.

Locks rekeyed and repaired

Lock sold and installed

Safes for home use

Rekeys safes

Customizable House Keys

With their vast selection of designs and colors, at Guaranty Lock & Safe, you can customize your house keys to match your unique taste and style. Whether you want a key with your favorite sports team logo or a key with your favorite color, our team provides a range of designs, colors, and accessories to match your unique preferences. Let us transform your ordinary keys into unique expressions of your personality and interests, reflecting the individual that you are

We’d love to hear from you! Call our friendly team at (210) 494-5500!

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